
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Only a month to go before the big ride!

It has been nearly a month since I last posted anything. It has been a REALLY long month training-wise.
I have been spending more time in the gym than in the saddle of my bicycle.
I have been focusing on endurance and strengthening my legs so the hills aren't as challenging next month in Vermont.
I am not sure they will be any less challenging as I still cannot scale the hill on Meetinghouse Lane!
That is definitely a bummer.
On a positive note I am ALMOST at -50 lbs! Of course my father-in-law in his complimentary way believes I have another 75 lbs to go ... enough said on that.
I do believe my endurance is better and I was able to go faster this morning.
My goal for this month is to be in the saddle every day that I can and in the gym working on leg strengthening at least three times a week.
This is it, I am in the home stretch.
I have not been able to accomplish as much as I had hoped to but what I have learned is that I can do m ore than I think.

1 comment:

  1. Cycling in Vermont - you are brave. I was up there riding over Memorial day, and one of those hills was so steep, I didn't have low enough gearing, and I just tipped right over. I'm sure you'll be ok though, and I don't think there's any shame in getting off to walk either.
